Monday, December 29, 2014

Time Management

I wish I could train, but I don't have time. How often have we heard that before? How often have we said that before? We all have responsibilities between jobs, school, family, or whatever random chores need to be done. How do we balance it all?

In reality, taking care of our bodies is essential for doing any of those other things well. It is a priority. We will be more successful in whatever we choose to do with our lives if we focus on our health and well-being. Plan time in your day to exercise. Plan time in the 24-hour period for sleep. Both of those are important.

This past semester, between taking care of a neck injury at physical therapy, and a heavy course load, I will admit that I am not training as much as I want to be. School is the number one priority, but I know that I won't be as successful with school if I don't take the time to exercise or take care of the nagging pain. Instead of 3+ hours of training, I will sometimes have to cut training down to 1-2 hours. Your brain is going to wander naturally if you sit and stare at a computer screen or paper all day. Schedule that wandering time and use it in a productive manner. Recharge yourself between tasks. If you don't think you have 1-2 hours, go for a 30 minute run. That's still a good workout.

If you are having difficulties with planning the workouts, make a schedule. It is a lot easier to hold yourself accountable if it's written down. If you are shortening your workout, you can maximize the time by increasing the intensity.

Happy Training!

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